Certified Osteoskin® Practitioner
The Osteoskin® Method BFR (Bionome Fascia Renewal
with the Swaywaver Treatment Table
The BFR Method (Bionome Fascial Renewal) is already an exceptionally effective treatment that specifically targets the neurofascial system (the interplay between fascia and nerves) to alleviate discomfort and improve mobility. However, when this method is performed on the Swaywaver treatment table, it reaches a new level of effectiveness – thanks to the table's three-dimensional mobility and therapeutic oscillations.
2-day Workshop
How does the BFR Method work?
Fascia forms a network that extends throughout the entire body and is closely connected to the nervous system. This tissue surrounds, protects, and supports the nerves, ensuring their mobility and shielding them from external stress. However, disruptions or tension in the fascia can lead to a variety of issues, including:
Restricted mobility
Sensitivity disorders
Tingling sensations (paresthesia)
Motor dysfunctions
The BFR Method specifically targets these problems. Through precise testing, tensions and blockages in the fascia tissue are located and analyzed. Based on these findings, targeted manual therapy is used to reduce fascial tensions and restore the mobility of the nervous system.